Thursday, April 19, 2007


I'm depleted, wiped, spent, hacked, effete, dead, bleary, exhausted.

Looking for more than thought in this post? Here you go: There's a point at which one spends too much time doing stuff and little to no time just chilling and relaxing. My advice: don't reach that point, EVER. I haven't hit that point yet, but it feels like it. Here's what I've got going against me:

-Triathlon Training
-NYSSMA Music Solo
-AP Government/AP Macroeconomics/AP English Literature/Calculus/Physics @ school
-Work @ A&P 3 days a week
-Youth Band
-College Stuff
+ whatever other things are going on at any given time

People ask me how I do it, I tell them I know not either, I just do. I don't question it. It's worked so far (and all without a license). ;)

And I'm not complaining. This has been my most productive year and... I umm... I...


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