The concept enthralls me. Let me start by saying this, not one person who ever did or ever will walk this Earth has shown true perfect humility except for the Godman himself, JC. What does true humility look like? I've pondered that as I've made my own attempts at it, which have proven far from successful.
Humility or humbleness, is putting others first, not thinking of yourself in what you do. At least, that's the definition we all come to associate it with. But there's more than that. You see, true humility looks also at the heart. What are our intentions down in the depths of our hearts, and why do we do the things we do really? I can't speak for everyone, but looking into myself I've found my own actions to be very others center on the outside and very selfish on the inside.
People who might know me would think otherwise. They'd say "Dave... you sing at church, you tithe, you give countless hours to the band and youth group, you sacrifice time and popularity to do what's right in God's eyes. How could you call yourself selfish?" But, as I pointed out, all they can see is the outside motive. Honestly and truly, God's pointing the finger straight at me (and me at myself) for vastly my heart differs from my outside appearance.
Somewhere deep down is a desire for God, a true passionate desire that would be satisfied with God and nothing else. But that's been shrouded in something much more unclean, my own personal desires. Humans seem to be made to follow the desires and pleasures we find in life. Whatever does or feels the most good is what we will do. And what I've found in recent years as the "good" that I desire is that desire to be the most humble, to be the most Christian, to be the most mature in the eyes of my peers and elders. It makes me feel good to know I'm doing the right thing, but I'm afraid that I'm doing it because solely I want to feel good about doing it. Take singing for example. I really desire to sing in church now, because afterwards I feel really good about what I did. I get all these great compliments about my voice and it makes me feel great. I ask myself, what if I didn't get all those compliments? What if I didn't get all those things that make me feel good about doing it? Would I still do it?
True humility for God and for others needs a selfless attitude. We can't be thinking about ourselves, our motives, our feel good pleasure highs, or anything else other than the needs of the other person. Personally, I find that impossible, because all the time I do things I do them (at least partly if not mostly) for the good things feelings I get. This frustrates me beyond belief. I really want to find that one thing I could do for God that I don't at all want to do and that when I do it I don't expect to feel good about it. That way, when I do complete it and feel good I'll know I did it without thinking at all for myself. Most of the time I think I would fail miserably at this test, because I don't think my heart is truly there yet to be able to do something without a little bit in it for me, even if it's just for the feeling of knowing I did it.
I think there is one good feeling that can motivate me that's a selfless feeling. The true good feeling that comes from serving God is what I'm aiming for, and once I obtain that, it will be my motivation and my prize for doing God's will. If a person needs a reason for themselves to do something for others, I can't think of a more selfless one than that.
More thoughts keep coming to me as I dwell on this... Maybe humility is in part realizing and accepting that we don't deserve what we have and God deserves more than we can give Him. Truly humbling ourselves before God requires a tear down of ourselves, making ourselves nothing and believing that without God we have nothing and we owe Him everything already. A true understanding of that can make doing things for Him humbly all the more selfless.
I wish I could just get what I want. I wish I could get my heart where I want it to be: truly selfless. True humbleness will never come I fear to anyone on this earth, but we definitely can hope to improve a lot. But it will take my heart some time, some trials and tests and failures and sacrifices before I get there.
Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour humility.
Proverbs 18:12
It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud.
Proverbs 16:19
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
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Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they will see God.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are the drifters, the stars that die... ;)
Hey Dave! I just noticed your post and am now aware that you have a blog of your own. So I read the first blog I saw.
"Honestly and truly, God's pointing the finger straight at me (and me at myself) for vastly my heart differs from my outside appearance."
More often than not, I feel the same way. I have realized that I, too, am truly a selfish person. The word alone sounds so grotesque to me, and it's shameful. But as you mentioned, sometimes the existence of selfishness in people can be shocking. It is a quiet selfishness that cannot be seen as part of our exterior, but works its evil inside, which is perhaps even more dangerous on all fronts.
I have many thoughts on many subjects, so forgive my comments that tend to be more long-winded. Haha. =)
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