Sunday, August 5, 2007

Everything is going right...

...and I don't know why. Why is God so good to me despite how messed up I've been? Too much has been going right for me to begin to say anything, so I'll spare all of us the time. I only hope this undeserving mess can turn himself around in the coming days in response.


Stealthagent said...

god isn't good or bad to you. Life works out well because you are a good person and make decent choices.

audrey said...

Elijah, i beg to differ. Good deeds are great and all, but thankfully God's not a fair weather fan. He loves us and takes joy in blessing us - even, Dave, when we are undeserving. The extent of God's mercy and grace is simply amazing and there is quite possibly nothing that i am more thankful for.

Stealthagent said...

I'm not sure what any of that has to do with my post, but alright. Being a good person does bring about good things wither you believe in god or not, it's infallible logic. What goes around comes around is true in many instances, and in Dave's case most defiantly. He has surrounded himself with caring people, is exceedingly kind and is pretty good about his own health, mentally and physically. Because of these things Dave will be treated well in the most awkward of circumstances. This is Dave's doing, not that of god's mercy or grace IMO.

audrey said...

I'm sorry, i was mostly speaking to Dave in my last comment. Of course you're right in that what goes around does tend to come around. "Treat others how you want to be treated" and all that. And while i don't know Dave personally, from what i've heard and read he does seem to be a pretty genuine, compassionate, well-rounded guy who has certainly worked hard and been kind and thus has seen the fruit of his physical and emotional labor.

But we all fall short. And i think in this blog Dave was just realizing his shortcomings and wondering why he's being blessed anyway. After all, we can't be super happy and well-behaved all the time, this is human nature. For followers of Christ, we tend to expect that the more we backslide, the less content and prosperous we'll be - understandably, as quite often this is the case.

What's great is that Dave is aware that he is not in the best shape right now. The fact that he wants to try and straighten himself out in response to the "undeserved" blessings is awesome, though difficult (i can so relate to this right now).