Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mind's Eye

All the millions of little things I see that prove to me God's existence and presence in my life are hard to name as they come, and even harder to describe and recount. I get reminders through my thoughts, through the words of others, through the little pieces that fit together just too perfectly, through answered prayer, through blessings, and from the coincidences of unimaginable odds. The list stacks up, but it is an un-recitable list. I can't describe all these little things that happen, for most are personal things or things on the fly that I forget shortly after they happen. I steal from an old dc Talk song when I say that these things come from my "Mind's Eye". They aren't visible or describable, but they are there and they make sense. I see God through my Mind's Eye. Whenever I get a sliver of doubt about God in any form, I look everything I've seen for reassurance.

I believe this type of evidence is clear to believers and also to those who seek God and look for signs of His existence. They have an eye open for God to be seen through. But then I think about those who don't believe and aren't looking, and I wonder why it is shut. I can guess that they see the world through the scientific perspective, and that science disproves God. The idea of God is just some simplistic idea made up that explains everything and instills hope in people. Let me just ask, is the idea of God as phony and random as saying that we all have little invisible black hats (thank you Elijah) above our heads that created us and control us? No. There's evidence, fact, history, and account for the existence of God and the truth of the Bible.

I think the problem is not whether most people have in their minds or on paper disproved the Bible/Jesus' divinity/God's existence. I think the problem is that most have shut their mind's eye to it. It just isn't in option to think or look into the idea of "religion", for one reason or another. For some it may be just a mindset that God doesn't make sense/is too simple/is unlogical/is unscientific. They haven't disproved it through fact because they haven't looked at all the facts or because they have and they can't. They just refuse because something else makes more sense to them. That's fine I guess, although in my opinion from a scientific point of view, God makes much more sense than evolution, but we won't go there. I think for most though, people have trouble accepting the idea of God because if they accepted it, it would mean they were not in complete control of their own lives. Perhaps it scares many to think that if they ever really sought God their lives would take a turn, perhaps a 180 degree turn in the other direction.

Maybe it bothers me when people decide to debate undebatable faith issues, because when you boil it down, evolution, Christianity, and any other belief or theory one may have about life requires faith, because nobody can prove any of these black and white. But it concerns greatly me when people have personal issues with the idea of God, things keeping them from a relationship with Him. It's one thing to know the facts from both sides and to take one side when all is laid out. It's another for someone to reject the facts for one side simply because they couldn't personally accept the changes that would result from a change in belief. I've just come to a realization of this recently, and it's been on my mind ever since... I pray for those close to me that don't know Jesus, that they would open their mind's eye to the idea of God.


AKBogert said...

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - CS Lewis

Dave The Prophet said...

Good quote. All of C.S. Lewis' quotes are good.

audrey said...

i agree, great quote. and this blog was well said. it drives me nuts how many people are quick to accuse Christians of being narrowminded when they themselves won't consider God as an option. just consider, that's all.