Friday, March 23, 2007

Putting everything else aside

So many idols in this world today. Idols that take up our time and our money. People may deny the term, but I believe to a certain extent we 'worship' our earthly idols. The term worship is defined as 'an act to acknowledge the value or worth of something'. And though we may not get on our hands and knees every morning and bow down to our favorite sport, our money, our computer or TV, our favorite celebrity, or whatever it may be, we do spend a lot of our time doing what we like to do most. And where are time goes, our worship goes also.

I believe that we can worship God by giving Him our time and by using our time for Him and His purposes. So wouldn't that be true of any idol or god? Time is the most valuable possession we have. Each one of us has the same amount, 24 hours a day, and nobody can produce more of it. I realize that if I could have any superpower it would be to control time. Because no matter what else one can do, nothing beats having all the time in the world to accomplish something. But I wonder how much of our 24 hours, (more like 15 or 16 of active hours) how much we spend doing practical things, things that make a difference.

How we spend our time is directly related to what we value most. I realize from my time spent on the computer, I value the computer a lot for its multiple purposes, some of those being regrettable ones. I could even say I'm dependent on it for some things and that in a sense I worship it. I have no defense for this, for I know I need to use my time better and get my priorities straight. I've seen what being consumed by material things can do, in this case the PC consuming my time, my energy, and some of my passion for God. It's what I've been thinking about lately, and it's the one thing I can't get straightened out. I want to be all these idols aside and put God in the center. I want to give my time to God, plain and simple. If God was my one priority and my only idol, I'd be set. I've just got to get there...

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